Monthly Archives: December 2006

Exams+New Year=Ultimate Dhamaka!

Hey wishing all you ppl out there a merry[though belated :-)] Christmas along with a rocking new year

Exams are just about to dhao their kehar on me and everbody in MIT 1st yr [2006]. They are starting from the 2nd of Jan of 2007….What a way to usher in the new year!!Bilkul Dhamake ke saaath,eh? Padhi started on the 20th of Dec. that too due to my pyaare roommates, who had begun to give me an inferority complex studying all the time.[Shifu bhai stays throughout the night in coll, studying]

Anyway having some feel good si pheeling now that I managed to cover a lot in these 9 days.The whole atmosphere has changed in the hostel, no more shor sharaba…no need of Patil[watchman, who keeps shouting in his thunderbird voice-aee shor mat karo..gaana band karo…dheere haso..blah blah….sheesh man! bl**dy depressed sadist]. Pehle there used to be lots of masti[bilkul show chalta tha-23hrs -0100 hrs, fultoo legpulling,jokes]etc. almost daily, now all have become *sigh* padhaku.

Damn even I’m supposed yo be studying instead of sitting in the coll IC & tapping away…Wish me luck for my exams


Happy New Year Again!


Hey ppl check out this video!!

The door leading to the ground floor was locked…..& as we all know engg. is all about innovation!!
[The video may a bit grainy & may have been taken at all sorts of angles,you may have to turn your head through various degrees…forgive me for that as the vid was taken using a cellphone cam]

Oh the games ppl play!!

Madness……..Pure Maddening Madeness

This is what’s been going on for the past two weeks in my life….The sem has ended[officially that is *sigh*] & the submission date is coming up, & as expected the profs are showing us [rather trying VERY hard]whos’s boss.
Making us run all over the place to get those stupid…senseless…mindnumbing [running out of adjectives here…hope you got the idea]journals certified, i.e get them to somehow put their oh-so-precious-signatures on my unworthy file[read ‘journal’, actually its just a sarkari looking file but instead of ‘Bharat Sarkar’ or some crap it has “MIT blah, blah,blah…” written in BIG BOLD Letters]
The looks on the profs faces…God you would’nt have imagined that these old geesers could have such an array of expressions at their disposal. Hell cant even describe them!!

Anyways to sum up-The Profs are giving us a hard time by being ‘not available’ to us students & us students having to find them….God one would think they were too old for the cat & mouse game….really, so immature!!

Time constraints!!!!

hey ppl not able to post anything…Reason???Weellll actually my semester exams are on the 2nd of Jan & my padhai is not exactly where I want it to be…so not spending much time on the net

See if I can put up something……
